Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/ on line 19 Notice: Constant _INSTALL_DB_JS_BASENAME already defined in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/ on line 129 Joomla - Web Installer
pre-installation check
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4

Additional system informations

Following additional settings were checked und could be a problem if marked in red or lesser then standard. For exampleis the setting "short_open_tag" is "OFF", this can be the reason for errors in your scripts. In a case like that get in contact with the developer and force a correct scripting.
Directive Recommended Actual
allow_url_fopen OFF OFF
short_open_tag OFF ON
post_max_size 8M 4M
upload_max_filesize 2M 4M
default_socket_timeout (in sec.) 30 10
max_execution_time (in sec.) 30 8

Language settings at serverside

Following settings will give you an overview of possible language settings, please write down you could use this later within Joomla.
Correct display of date depends on your browser settings!
Installation language Setting View of date
German Wednesday, 23. October 2024
English Wednesday, 23. October 2024
French Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Italian Wednesday, 23. October 2024

Arabian Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Bulgarian Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Chinese Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Czech Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Danish Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Spanish Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Finnish Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Hungarian Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Lithuanian Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Dutch Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Polish Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Portuguese Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Russian Wednesday, 23. October 2024
Swedish Wednesday, 23. October 2024
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